
Document Pain 2 - Don't blame yourself for not having a photocopy memory. No one does.

Problem: Saving each document (emails, files or web) becomes a painful memory quiz on your organization skills.

add documents This is not because of you lacking organization skill! The 80-90% of Your data is unstructured, therefore cannot be organized using conventional folder systems.

INFOMATO's patented technology self-organizes your reminders then showi you the relevant, structured reminders on the fly when you need them. You will remember the motives and find the attached documents.

In the following example, there are three "Bank1" sub-folders (in green) scattered within the "Personal Finance" folder, which branches off like a tree.


folder tree example 

Ideally, if we can see what is available for "Credit Card" (below), we can easily add an additional branch to include "Bank1" as shown below:

folder tree example

See how INFOMATO achieves the above objective, but with a different user interface. You don't need to spend time and effort sorting out the folder organization (tree) within the clutter:

Watch demo(2a) video demo

See what you do currently without INFOMATO:

Watch demo(2b) video demo

left arrow left arrowTechnology Comparison
